AAF: How did you learn about AAF’s scholarship program?
Alondra Villa: I learned about AAF through my high school counselor. She sent out information about various scholarship opportunities often and really pushed us to apply for AAF.
AAF: How did you feel about the application process?
Alondra Villa: I remember the application process was rigorous but also allowed room for more than just GPA and ACT scores to be showcased.
AAF: What did it feel like when you got the notification that you were awarded the scholarship?
Alondra Villa: I was so excited! I come from a lower socio-economic background so it was crucial for me to have scholarships to help pay for college. The scholarship I received from AAF as a graduating senior was a huge relief because it made my dream of receiving a higher education more tangible.
AAF: What would have been different if you hadn’t gotten the scholarship from AAF?
Alondra Villa: Due to the financial aid I received, including a couple of AAF scholarships, I was given the freedom of focusing on my studies. Though I worked through most of my college career, it was never a source of stress for me because I was fortunate enough to receive financial support from various generous donors. If I hadn’t received a scholarship from AAF, I would have missed out on so many incredible opportunities during college because I would have had to work much more to pay for my tuition.
AAF: What are your plans for the future?
Alondra Villa: I plan on teaching middle school students when I return to the states next year. I have a passion for education and I want to improve our current education system so that every student graduates are prepared to take on the world. Therefore, I think I will pursue a master’s degree in a few years to help other students like myself, first-generation and/or from lower socio-economic backgrounds, achieve their dreams.
AAF: Anything else you’d like to share?
Alondra Villa: I am incredibly thankful to organizations like the Amarillo Area Foundation that support local students in achieving their goals. Without this kind of support, so many students would be left without the opportunity to dream for more.
Editors Note: Alondra was awarded the prestigious Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship Program award. Learn more about that program HERE!
To apply to the Amarillo Area Foundation’s scholarship program, start your application here: www.amarilloareafoundation.org/scholarship