Panhandle Partners in
Become a Partner
Since 1979, the Amarillo Area Foundation has been a membership organization. In 2019, we launched Panhandle Partners in Philanthropy. Your Partnership is vital to the mission of the Amarillo Area Foundation and supports the work we do on behalf of nonprofits across the Panhandle.
4 Ways
your Partnership with Amarillo Area Foundation can help you support the residents of the Texas Panhandle:
Charitable gifts from Panhandle donors allow the Foundation to enhance programs and services designed to address the needs of our area communities.
Your partnership
The Foundation is a public nonprofit organization dedicated to leading our region in community-based efforts to improve the quality of life through philanthropy. When you partner with us, your reach spans the entire Texas Panhandle.

Serving over
400,000 People

Vehicle of choice

Community Needs
Partner Benefits
- Invitation to Foundation events.
- Receipt of all Amarillo Area Foundation publications.
- Opportunities to serve on Amarillo Area Foundation’s committees and advisory groups.
- Serve as a voting member at our Annual Meeting.