The storms that ravaged our area in the summer of 2023 will be remembered for generations. It was a truly unique situation for the staff and Board of Directors at Amarillo Area Foundation. It was the first time widespread and varied disasters impacted different parts of the Texas Panhandle within weeks of each other.
First, were the torrential rains that hit Amarillo and the Hereford area. The rain was a very welcome sight, but the quantity created massive flooding that wreaked havoc on these communities.
Then, the tornado(s) hit the main street of Perryton, tragically taking three lives in the community. The storm was a powerhouse, and much of the city’s infrastructure was in its path.
Since 2006, the Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund (PDRF) has been providing financial support in times of disaster. PDRF was set up to address wildfires, tornado damage, and, most recently, response to COVID-19.
The flexibility of AAF’s processes allowed our Board and staff to open an additional fund for the Perryton community. With a direct hit to the city, it was clear that the recovery would take much longer to address, so the Perryton Benefit Fund was established. This made it easier for donors to give their gift directly to the city of Perryton, and the Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund could address the issues in Amarillo and Hereford.
Since public trust is of the utmost importance for us, we wanted to share how much was raised and has since been expended to date in both funds. We also wanted to honor the incredible generosity of our neighbors who gave during these disasters.
You will note that there are still funds remaining in both funds; that is because the recovery is still ongoing. We will continue to work with local leaders, nonprofit organizations, and stakeholders to help the community rebuild.
Here’s a look at the numbers.
The following are the generous donors to the Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund, totaling $386,671.01
A John Doucette | Erica Perry | Louise Ross |
A P Thompson | Erin Weber | Lynn Nelson |
Alphonso Vaughn | Evan Curtis | Marian Cole |
Amarillo College | Faithbuilders | Marilyn Grimes |
Amarillo National Bank | Fay Moore | Mary Riha |
Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship | FENG CHA Amarillo | Matthew Adams |
Amparo Lucero | First Baptist Church | Melanie Cearley |
Andrew Moore | Francine Heckman | Melanie Smoot |
Ann Hicks | Gabriele Franke-Foll | Michelle L. Nava |
Ashley Ellis-Dotson | Garth Merrick | Mykel D. Byersmith |
Aubrey Cypert | Gary Collier | Nancy Holt |
Barbara Miner | Gary Daniel | Pamela Gaines |
Barbara Whitton | Gayle Bickers | Panhandle Baseball Club, Inc. |
BASF | Genesis Sunday School Class | Patricia Buchenau |
Billy Henly | Greg Glenn | Patsy Walker |
Bradley Howard | Greg Welch | Paul A. Clark |
Brent Wilhelm | Hands On Amarillo | Paula Funnell |
Broc Carter | James M. Elfelt | Peter Bickers |
Budweiser Distributing Company | James Whitton | Phillips Gentry |
BW Gas Convenrtl | Janette Neill | Plas-Mac Inc. |
Carol Lovelady | Jeff Smoot | Purpose + Passion Boutique |
Catherine Johnson-Ford | John Guidry | Randy Stewart |
Central Church of Christ | Joy Stark-Smith | Robert Robertson |
Charles Killebrew – Killebrew Properties, LLC | Judi Gualtiere | Russell French |
Chloe Barham | Julie Murphy | Sandy Patterson |
Cindy Casey | Kali Dennis | Sheryl Lankford |
Claudette L. Landess | Kathy Glenn | Stanley Schaeffer |
Cody Cooper | Kay Allen Ferrell | Stella Sauls |
Craig Chapel Ministries | Kendra Scott | Stephanie Goins |
CyberGrants SPV, LLC | Kenny Barnes | Suzanne Willis |
Dave Cooper | Kind House Ukraine Bakery | Tamra Boyd |
David Duenes | Kyle McMenamin | Texas Mutual Workers Compensation Insurance |
David Neeley | Lana Ward | Tiffany Silva |
David Sauer | Land O’Lakes | Tom Westfall |
DJ Jones | Laurie Dellis Pottery and Fused Glass | Toni Baker |
Donald DeJong | Leslie O’Loughlin | Tracy Striley |
Donald McColl | Lilia B. Escajeda | Ty Trammell |
Donald Williams | Linda Fuller | United Supermarkets |
Donna Atwood | Lisa Tam | W.C. Russell |
Dorothy Ray | Louise Bowers Slentz Foundation | Walter Kelley |
Xcel Energy |
Here is the list of grants awarded through the Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund through 2023. Additional grants will be awarded as we continue to speak with the Volunteers Action in Disasters, community leaders, and organizational partners throughout the areas affected.
United Way of Amarillo & Canyon | $25,000.00 |
Tri-County Meals | $6,250.00 |
Square Mile Community Development | $2,000.00 |
Deaf Smith County Social Services | $10,000.00 |
St. Andrews Episcopal Church | $5,000.00 |
American Red Cross | $5,000.00 |
Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle | $5,000.00 |
High Plains Food Bank | $5,000.00 |
United Way of Amarillo & Canyon | $20,000.00 |
American Red Cross | $5,000.00 |
The Salvation Army | $5,000.00 |
Golden Spread Council’s Camp Don Harrington | $26,425.00 |
TOTAL | $119,675.00 |

The following are the generous donors to the Perryton Texas Benefit Fund, totaling $485,464.40
A John Doucette | Ernest R. Finney | Michael Schnell |
A Vac Energy Services LLC | Evelyn Trometer | Michael Wright |
Ada Feaster | Faith Clinic Crusaders Ministries | MIJ INC |
Alan Ewy | Faith Community Church | Mike Haberthur |
Alan Herz | First Christian Church | Mike Hare |
Albert Littau | First United Methodist Church | Mitchell Carry |
Alethea Tignor | First United Methodist Church of Pampa | Morse Implement And Auto Supply |
Ali Finney | Five Star Chemical Corporation | Nancy Weinette |
Allen Snider | Flavius Killebrew | Nannette Oswalt |
Allred Construction Company, Inc | Follett Methodist Church Missions | National Philanthropic Trust |
Alvan Lux | Fred W. Haller | Neal A. Morgan |
Amanda Wood | Gary Brassart | Norma J. Riedel |
Amarillo Association of Realtors | Gary Hammett | O&B Tank Co., Inc. |
Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship | Gary L. Sutherland | OGH Hospice Volunteers |
American Equipment and Trailer, Inc | Gary Schwalk | Osborne Brothers Farm |
American Legion 254 | Georgia Holt | P N Terry |
Andy B. Coltart | Glenn Ballard | Pamela Eames |
Anonymous Donor | Goodwill Industries of Lubbock dba GINWT | Pamela Kirby |
Anthony Ray | Grace Kuo | Pamela Phillips |
Barbara Dahlquist | Grace Lutheran Church | Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Assoc. |
Barbara Scroggs | Greg Thomas | Pat Allen |
Barbara Tuggle | Fountain of Sunshine | Pathfinders Sunday School Class |
Barbara Whitton | Hardin-Simmons University | Paula Funnell |
Ben E. Green | Hedley Church of Christ | Peggy Newman |
Ben Wheeler | Hemphill 4H Club Fund | Peggy Pierce |
Bennita Skidmore | Hereford Fellowship of Believers | Peter Bickers |
Beth Lauterbach | Herschell Gaddy | Phillip Fetzer |
Beth Shannon | Howard D. Herm | Phyllis Foley |
Betsy Hatter | Howard Reed | Phyllis Price |
Bill Osborn | Hugh Barton | Phyllis Rice |
Billie Johnson | Idaho Cowboy Church | Polk Street United Methodist Mobley Sunday School Class |
Billy Conner | Independent Bankers Association of Texas | R Naylor |
Billy McBee | Jack Hall | R. L. Hodge |
Bob Crawford | Jack Knight Insurance Associates | Randall Brooks |
Bob Daniels | James A Killebrew | Randy M. Phillips |
Bonnie Shearer | James D. Bryan | Ranger Aviation |
Booker United Methodist Church | James L. Vandercook | Raul A. Barraza |
Bowden Jones | James M. Heck | Ray Hermanski |
Brad Riffel | James Nealis | Richard Chambers |
Brandon Conejo | James P. McClune | Richard Courte |
Brenda Williams | Janet Cooper | Richard Franklin |
Brent A. King | Janet Smith | Richard Jalbert |
Brian Pshigoda | Janet Tregellas | Richard L. Hamburger |
Brian Weis | Janette Neill | Richard Todd |
Bruce W. Jones | Janice Cooper | Rickie Phipps |
Budweiser Distributing Company | Janice Trew | Ricky Perkins |
Butler Farms | Janye Pointer | Robert Blank |
Carol A. Voiles | Jason LaBelle | Robert Bridges |
Carol Brian | Jeffrey H. Conner | Robert Cunningham |
Carolyn Newton | Jennie June Club | Robert Ezzell |
Carolyn Wilson Rogers | Jeremy S. Campbell | Robert McDaniel |
Catherine Bell | Jerre Wells | Robin Christian |
Catherine Mechenbier | Jerry A. Baker | Rodney Weddington |
Cavita Kile | Jim A. Clark | Roldan Trevino |
Cecilia Lemons | Jim Pittman | Ronald Gregory |
Central Church of Christ | Jim Wilhelm | Ronald Shinn |
Charles Bowers | Joe Smith | Ronald Wooten |
Charles D. Timmons | John Bosserman | Ross Harbaugh |
Charlotte Hale | John Curry | Russell French |
Charlotte Polvado | John Rogers | Sam Rigdon |
Charnell Williams | John Shields | Sandra Atkinson |
Cheryl Brewer | Jolene Julian | Sandra S. Sylvester |
Chloe Barham | Jonathan Sell | Senn Slemmons |
Chris Goodell | Judy Nicholson | Seth Thomason |
Chris Howard | Judy Warner | Seventh Day Adventist Church |
Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church Deacons Fund | Julie Kile | Shane Mathis |
Chuck Starr | K J Henton | Sharlene Howell |
Church Of Christ On Somerville | Karen Clark | Sharon Boland |
Clayton & Clayton, P.C. | Karen Gardner | Sharon Graves |
Clear Fork Bank | Karla K. Schwarz | Shawn Deaver Construction |
Clyde Powell | Katherine Paschel | Shearer Kimbell |
Colin Michael Voiles Trust | Kathryn Killebrew | Sheryl Lankford |
Community Foundation of West Texas | Kathryn S. Walters | Shylan Birdsong |
Coney Island Cafe | Kathy McCutchen | SKB Farms |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | Kim Hodges | The Pergola Shop |
Cowboy Christian Church | Kim K. Colwell | Stephen L. Darrow |
Craig Chapel Ministries | L Gullett | Steve Carruth |
CyberGrants SPV, LLC | Land O’Lakes | Steve Cates |
Cynthia Shattles | Laura Gerald | Steve Urban |
Dale A. Street | Lee Rice | Susan Cox |
Dalhart Cruzers | Lee Stephens | Susie Powell |
DANA SCHNEIDER | Leone McGee | Suzanne Lohberger |
Danny Crook | Lesly Annen | Tanya Sluder |
Darlene Roberts | Lewis Chevrolet Buick of Liberal | Teresa Robison |
Darryl Ezzell | Life Search Sunday School Class | Terri Jeffers |
Darryl S. Vereen | Linda K. Miller | Texas Bankers Foundation |
Daryl Wynn | Lisa Matthysse | The Cooper Contribution Trust |
David A. Hattz | Living Water Christian Fellowship Church | The Joe Howe Parsons Trust |
David D. and Nona S. Payne Foundation, Inc. | Lon Hutchison | The Shutter Company II |
David Irwin | Lone Star Cowboy Church | Theresa J. Brillhart |
David Rohrbach | Louise B Smith | Thomas L. Hutton |
Dean R. Taake | Louise Conley | Thomas M. Gladney |
Deanna Williams | Lowell Harper | Thomas Quaid |
Debra Blackshear Photography | Luanna Hoover | Thompson Farms |
Del Lemon | Luther Robinson | Tom Davidson |
Delmar Loesch | Lynn C. Lang | Tomi Kerns |
Delvan D. Leimer | Lynne Lester | Tommy Clem |
Diane Actkinson | Madison D. Jechow | Tommy Novak |
Don F. Hulsey | Maisie Everett | Trenton C. Flaming |
Don Hinton | Marion Cattle | Turner 50/50, LLC |
Donald Breitling | Mark E. O’Neal | Turner M. Caldwell |
Donald Macahan | Mark Landrum | UnCommon Farms Foundation |
Donald Richardson | Mark Matson | V. N. Jones |
Doug Briggs | Mark S. Smith | Vance K. Apple |
Doug Leber | Mark W. Ford | Veneta F. Smith |
Dustin Barber | Marla Elledge | Verlla M Coughenour Trust |
Edward Jones | Martha Lostroh | Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary No 1657 |
Edward P. Brandenburg | Mary Britt | Virginia M. Sievers |
Edward Prince | Mary Hancock | Well Survey’s Company |
Eileen Ballard Berryman | Mary L. Lewis | Wellington Endless Bargains, Inc |
Elaine Lawrence | Mary L. Perez | Willard Chapman |
Eleanor Bransgrove | Mary West | Panhandle-Plains Higher Education Foundation |
Ellen Bivins | Maurtia Ammons | Zion Lutheran Church |
Ellena Dupuis | Messiah’s House |

Here is the list of grants awarded through the Perryton Texas Benefit Fund through 2023. Additional grants will be awarded as the recovery persists.
Christian Aid Ministries | $75,000.00 |
First Christian Church of Perryton | $15,000.00 |
Community Worship Center of Perryton, Inc. | $25,000.00 |
Karter’s Dream | $25,000.00 |
Karter’s Dream | $25,000.00 |
Community Worship Center of Perryton, Inc. | $25,000.00 |
Panhandle Community Services | $25,000.00 |
Victory Family Church | $25,000.00 |
City of Perryton | $15,000.00 |
Panhandle Community Services | $25,000.00 |
Ochiltree United Way | $25,000.00 |
Ochiltree United Way | $25,000.00 |
Community Worship Center of Perryton, Inc. | $2,000.00 |
Iglesia La Pena de Horeb | $10,000.00 |
City of Perryton | $25,000.00 |
Key Heights Baptist Church | $15,000.00 |
Community Worship Center of Perryton, Inc. | $15,000.00 |
Panhandle Community Services | $10,000.00 |
High Plains Food Bank | $10,000.00 |
TOTAL | $417,000.00 |