By now you have heard about the novel coronavirus pandemic. It seems like everywhere we turn we hear about it. It’s important to make sure that we know the facts and are careful where we get our information.
The best defense is knowing the facts. As of this writing, there are no diagnosed patients in the Amarillo or Panhandle areas. While it seems like it’s only a matter of time, we think it’s important to be vigilant and only share information from authorities like the City of Amarillo Health Department, the CDC, and the World Health Organization.
For the latest updates from Amarillo City Health: GO HERE.
While this can be a very anxious time for many, there are a lot of ways to take care of your mental health. The CDC has put together some resources, including ways to help children cope:
Trying times in our area are nothing new, in fact, we would argue that trying times brings us together. This time we’ll just have do it without our usual hugs and handshakes. Hang in there friends!